First Rodeo

Course Description:

The First Rodeo is a confidence builder.  This program is designed to give participants the skills necessary to thrive in the forests of the northeast. The focus will be on developing a skill set to understand and manage our needs as human beings (shelter, fire, water, food) and then putting it to the test in a controlled and safe environment by spending a night out in winter with no sleeping bag or tent. This course is called “First Rodeo” so that if you are ever in a genuine wilderness predicament, you can authentically say “This ain’t my first rodeo.” 

The 2022-2023 season will include a Wilderness First Aid (WFA) certification through SOLO taught by Rick Swain of The SCROLL. For more information regarding WFA certification, visit The SCROLL. Cost for the WFA will be included in the First Rodeo tuition. There will be an additional fee for CPR certification.

Dates: TBD

Cost: TBD

Intended Learning Outcomes:

Safe tool use including the axe, knife, and saw; Shelter building concepts; Fire making and maintenance; Cooking over an open fire; Local ecology including plant and tree identification, tracking, understanding the night sky, and weather; Navigating with and without map and compass; Crafting practical and useful items; SOLO certification in Wilderness First Aid